Unique platform for connecting doctors all over the world

Create and develop your personal medical brand

Landing page launch
Steps and tools
Logo design, landing page design, launch. Figma, Webflow
Project duration
2 months
Implementation date
January 2021
Ukraine, Kyiv
Main page

Landing page is about key features of the project: create and develop your personal medical brand, create your own team of superheroes, professional chats in one APP

Mobile version

Clean and simple. Toorbota will help you discover new professional opportunities and appear on the radar for professional acquaintances among like-minded colleagues and access free communication with both colleagues and patients


You need to get through the short poll in case you want to get the early access to the platform

Colors & Typography

Inter is the main font family. Colours are Ukrainian plus the other modern ones


The main goal of the landing page is to get early access to the platforms