Increasing metrics of an online travel agency website

Farvater.travel is an online travel agency in Ukraine. You can buy all-inclusive trip to any country with 5 clicks online

Global website redesign, CRO
Steps and tools
Research, prototyping, usability testing, design. Figma, Analytics, Data Studio, Hotjar
Project duration
5 months
Implementation date
August 2020
Ukraine, Kyiv
First screen

We did the main form interface as simple as possible. If we could delete at least one detail from the form, we would do that

Hotels page

Mini card of the hotel is compact but with the full information needed


Filters are always important in digital products. We tried to design filters that would help users to find the best options easily


If you need to find a hotel within exact location, you can do it just on the map


You can add different options to  favorites. Then you will see the list with the prices and dates you could share to your friend

Trip page

You will find all the details of the trip here. Departure, hotel and room information and lots of stuff including even weather on your dates

Gallery with reviews

In most cases, users select the hotel after they watch gallery and reviews. That’s why we combine this to thing into one

Accommodation options

Within the trip page, you can see different options with the prices of the trip with different meal types or with the different room types

Price calendar

Price calendar will help you to compare prices at different dates or with the different trip duration


You can see reviews from the tourists at the trip page from different websites in one place

Follow the price

Want cheaper? We will keep an eye on prices and will notify you if they change


We tried to do the checkout page as simple and clean as it is possible. Still, you need to fill in all the data including your passport info

Telegram banner

In the end of each page of the website, you could find the Telegram banner. It is created for the people who are not ready to buy a trip right now. But with the help of it we organically convert website traffic to the Telegram channel subscribers

Cancellation policy

You can see all of the information about the cancellation policy just in one click

Personal account

Personal data, passport information for not to repeat to input it each time, my orders, bonuses etc


With the help of MasterCard, you will receive 3% cashback on your card. We put this information to all of the pages of the website and created an instant page with all of the information about it

Additional info

We put all of the additional information such as different documents to one page


All of the contact information with the map and the 24/7 working hours message are on one single page


And all of the frequently asked questions we collected to one place